God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corth 5:21

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mr. Independent

Our little man is becoming Mr. Independent. He just recently discovered that holding the bottle himself is way better then having someone hold it for you.

He also loves swinging by himself at the park!
As well as reaching and "talking" on my phone. Love this picture because it shows off his great stocking hat hair! Comb anyone?
And making many funny....

and sweet baby boy faces.
Like many moms, my camera is flooded with pictures of my baby, but if you were to scroll through my recent pictures you will find a little diversity. Here are some of my most recent "study A&P" pictures from school- the lung and a histology slide of Alveoli. The more I learn the more I realize that the human body is amazing!
Nursing school is keeping us all extra busy around here, but I have high hopes to catch up on blogging during the upcoming holiday breaks.


  1. Those are amazing photos of Anders.. I love how photogenic he is..
    Anders has the BEST smile EVER! Like his mom and dad.

    Love yuriko
