At 18 months Anders is.....running, climbing on all and anything he can manage- found him on top of our kitchen table the other day, loves dogs, playing with his cousins, eating with a fork or toothpick, jumping off steps or some kind of height, talking, pounding toys, throwing balls (or anything else he can that doesn't get a "" from mommy), loves his pacifier, reading books, pretending to talk on the phone- he does a great imitation of daddy, and being around people. He is sleeping from about 7:30 p.m. until 6:00 a.m., which is when he wakes up for his morning drink and then goes back to bed for about an hour. During the day he is down to one nap, right after lunch, and sleeps for about 2 hours. His favorite toys are the remotes, the piano, his broom, balls, and panda or bunny. He is a wonderful little boy and we are so thankful!!!!
His 18th month "well visit" with Dr. G shows that he is a growing, tall and lean little boy.
- Weight: 23.10 lb (20-30%)
- Height: 33.5 in (90%)
- Head: 19.5 in (95%)
I love those expressions of Anders.. what a character!