God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corth 5:21

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Yesterday I bubbled in my last testing scan-tron, and finished up my first semester of nursing school.  It was a good yet challenging semester, of which I am so thankful to be done.  A special thanks to my loving husband and supportive family- I couldn't have done it with out you.

Here is a reflective picture from my first day of clinical...I was so nervous; but 10 weeks later I am feeling more confident and much more like a nurse.

So this morning I woke up feeling like a new "free" women, ready to take on all the things I love doing but didn't have much time for during school, one of which is blogging.

Catching up on Anders
I am very thankful for my healthy and happy little boy.  He brings such joy to our lives!  Anders turned 9 months on the 21st.  His appointment with Dr. G showed the following stats:

Weight- 20.4 lb (50%)
Height- 29.5 in (95%)
Head- 18.5 in (95%)

Anders currently loves: to make people smile by clapping his hands, taking baths, eating, playing with his cousins, standing- with Mom and Dads help, and singing (listening to us sing and then adding his version).  He also is trying out a new move that we call the "push-up" (pictured below)...this may mean that he will be crawling soon.

 Bath time- 1st mohawk!

Mom Larson
This past month we celebrated with my mother-in law on her birthday.  I am so thankful to have a wonderful mother-in-law, who is such a help with Anders and a great example of a positive and joyful person. 

We celebrated Thanksgiving at their place and I was one of only two Americans in the room.  Canadian thanksgiving is in October- so I am a lucky girl that get's to celebrate my favorite holiday not once but twice!


  1. Did you know that when you click on the picture of Anders in the tub, a picture of Dave holding him comes up? Weird.

  2. Love it all! You look all professional in your nurse scrubs! Not so scrubby!
