God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corth 5:21

Saturday, August 22, 2009

6 Months Old- Little Man

Our little man turned 6 months old yesterday- WOW!

The little one is keeping busy.....trying out solids, grabbing his toes, rolling over (though he is a back boy- loves his back), sitting up (tripod style), getting his first teeth (yes- we have two on the bottom), playing with his little buddies from church, and laughing and smiling a lot!!!
He is still growing like a champ. Dr. G weighed him in at 18.11 lbs and measured him at 28 inches long (75-97 percentile). He is such a joy....it is hard to remember what life was like without him.


  1. I just LOVE his eyes...that first pic made me laugh so hard. The chunky monkey is just a few oz. bigger than Gabe!

  2. Love Ander's big blue expressive eyes and smile! The loving you've given Anders is reflected in his warm eyes and smile. Hard to believe he already has 2 teeth and is starting to sit up.
