God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corth 5:21

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Doctor's Visit- 2 month

Anders had his two month Doctor's visit yesterday. Dr. Guetersloh (or Dr. "G") is Anders's pediatircian, and is great! He was so kind to let this first time mom take a picture to share with you all. So far at each of Anders's appointments, Dr. G has sent us home with a report card. Yesterday's report card looked something like this...

Patient: Larson, Anders
Doctor: Guetersloh
Weight: 12.15 90%
Height: 23.8 90-95%
Head: 16 90%
Physical Exam: A+, great weight gain
Development: A+

So far Anders is a straight A patient...way to go little man!

Yesterday, was also the first round of shots for our sweet baby. He received 2 shots, one in each leg, and one oral vaccine. Needless to say, it was a bit of a tough day for both of us. But we have 2 more months before we have to prepare ourselves for the next appointment and next round of vaccinations.


  1. Sorry to hear it was rough! Hope Anders is feeling better today.

    I'm impressed with all the pictures on the blog header btw...you'll have to teach me how to do that!

  2. Yah for Anders! A straight A+ Baby!! Yah for Dr. G. He is great. Yah for Mom Chandra. A+ for you too!!


  3. By the way, I too love the header!

  4. what a precious little guy! (anders...not dr. g) :)
